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Haylee Bergeland, MS, C-AAIS

GLADYS seeks to offer innovative services and well-being opportunities that are accessible, affordable, holistic, and inclusive.

Call me Hayl. I am glad to meet you!

Gerontology Expertise.

Hayl (like hail) is a Gerontologist, Grief Support Specialist, and End-of-Life Doula, contracted by individuals, families, and  community, and state-based organizations to offer support services and education across the state of Iowa.  She provides aging in-place and well-being services (specializing in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias),  grief and loss counseling, end-of-life services, and education programs, workshops, and seminars.



Hayl is exceptionally qualified to provide services at GLADYS. Having worked in human and social services for many years, Hayl was inspired to pursue her passion for understanding how social determinants of health impact lifespan and well-being. Hayl is a doctoral student at Kansas State University, earning a PhD in Adult Learning and Leadership with specializations/research focus in Health Literacy and Social Justice Education. She has a Master of Science (MS) degree in Gerontology from Kansas State University, a graduate certificate in Conflict Resolution (also Kansas State) and, a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Psychology from Drake University. Additionally, she has a professional certificate as a Grief Support Specialist (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and a certificate in End-of-Life Care from Des Moines Area Community College.

Additional qualifications include:

- member of the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance (NEDA)

- Certified in Mental Health First Aid

- Certified in Psychological First Aid

Previous certifications include: Certified Nursing Assistant & Registered Behavior Technician



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